Connect with HospitableHow to set up the Hospitable Integration
Connect with Beds24How to set-up the Beds24 integration
Connect with BookingSyncHow to set-up the BookingSync integration
Connect with CloudbedsHow to set up Cloudbeds Integration
Connect with FantasticStayHow to set up the FantasticStay integration
Connect with Guesty for ProsHow to set-up an integration between Guesty and Minut
Connect with ApaleoHow to set-up the apaleo integration
Connect with LodgifyHow to set-up the Lodgify integration
Connect with HomheroHow to set up the Homehero Integration
Connect with HostawayHow to set-up the Hostaway integration
Connect with HostBuddy AIHow to set up the HostBuddy AI Integration
Connect with HostfullyHow to set-up the Hostfully integration
Connect with HosthubHow to set-up the Hosthub integration
Connect with HostifyHow to set-up an integration between Hostify and Minut
Connect with IcneaHow to set up the Icnea Integration
Connect with iGMSHow to set-up an integration between iGMS and Minut
Connect with OwnerRezHow to set-up an integration between OwnerRez and Minut
Connect with SmoobuHow to set-up the Smoobu integration
Connect with Stay importer (CSV)How to import your stays
Connect with TokeetHow to set-up an integration between Tokeet and Minut
Connect with UplistingHow to set up the Uplisting Integration
Connect with Your.RentalsHow to set up the Your.Rentals Integration
Connect with AvantioHow to set up Avantio Integration
Connect to StreamlineHow to set up Streamline Integration
Connect with elinaHow to connect your elina Integration