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Monitoring & Occupancy
How to set up thresholds and settings in your unit
How Minut communicates to guests on your behalf
Desktop NotificationsHow to set up and review alerts on your web browser
Email notifications to team membersYou can opt in to receive Minut notifications by email.
Messaging: automatic communication with your staysConfigure how Minut can communicate directly with your stays.
Messaging: automatic communication at the start/ end of the stayConfigure how Minut schedules start/ end of stay communications
Reports & Incident reportsDownload an overview of noise data for your rental unit
How we measure sound?
How Minut monitors sound levels and sets thresholds settings
Decibel and sound levelsWhat is Decibel and how do we measure sound?
Indoor climate monitoringMonitor temperature and humidity to protect your property, save money and provide a better guest experience.
Mold riskUse Minut to warn you of conditions favorable for mold growth
How to decrease mold risk in your propertyUse our Mold Risk feature alert and protect your property from mold and costly damages.