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Zapier Integration

How to use Zapier to integrate different Web applications with Minut by creating Zaps

Ipti Niskala avatar
Written by Ipti Niskala
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Zapier is an integration currently only available for Minut Pro and Pro + subscriptions.

Zapier is an integration available on the Minut Pro Plan. It's a service that allows the user to integrate different web applications with Minut by creating Zaps.

A Zap is an automated task that can run repeatedly and it consists of a collection of triggers and/or filters and actions. The user decides on what action will be set in motion when a trigger is set off. For more information visit

An example of a Zap:

  • When a high noise event is detected by Minut, I want to get an email. 

  • When motion is detected by Minut, I want my lights to light up.

How do I create a Zap?

First, you need to connect Zapier with your Minut account. You do that from our web app under Integrations.

You'll need to create a Zapier account, this can be done with your work email, Google account, or similar.

Once you get to the screen below, you can start by connecting the applications you wish to use. In the example below, we want to get an email if a high noise event is detected with noise monitoring ON.

Go to My Apps and connect both your Minut account and your Email account.

Once we have the correct connections, we can create our first Zap!

The first thing we want is to be able to recognize when a high-noise event is occurring in any of our rental units.

Select the Minut connection for action 1 (see below).

Next, we choose the event we want to trigger our Zap on. In this example, we want "Noise Monitoring First Warning".

Once we've decided on an event and an account, we can test to see if the trigger is working. If an event has occurred before, you'll see the data that comes into Zapier.

Next, we decided what should happen once a high noise event occurs. In this case, we want to receive an email letting us know about the event.

Once an email account has been connected, we choose who will receive it, the subject, and the message. If you want to see the name of the specific rental unit or device, we can easily add this with the reply.

Below you can see we get the specific rental unit for the noise event as "The name of the Rental unit the device is installed in.".

Next, we try the connection by sending a test email. If all looks good, we can turn ON our Zap.

Below is an example of the email we've created if we get a high noise event with noise monitoring ON in the specific rental unit 250 Fell St.

We've now created our first Zap. In the view below we can make changes, set a name for the Zap, and turn it on or off.

For more information on Zapier and the different account types, visit or the Zapier Help Center.


The Security Alarm and Motion Graphs are not currently supported on Minut M3 sensors installed outside

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