The integration between Minut and ecobee allows you to automatically set your thermostat to save energy between bookings.
Sync your Minut properties with ecobee to save energy by automatically turning down and setting the temperature between bookings by controlling the Ecobee thermostat automatically between bookings.
Ecobee is currently only available in North America at this time.
The ecobee integration currently only supports connecting one ecobee thermostat to one Minut rental unit.
As an ecobee customer, you must subscribe to access the Ecobee API:
United States: $24 per thermostat per year
Canada: CA$30 per thermostat per year
How the integration with ecobee works:
Applies eco temperatures (15°C for Heat and 30°C for Cool) when the stay ends.
Choose the temperature and mode that the thermostat should be set to before the next stay starts. You can also customize how far in advance the changes take place.
Step 1: Set up your ecobee SmartBuildings account
For additional support regarding creating a SmartBuildings account please contact ecobee Inside Sales at
Reminder: That this service is available for USD $24/year/thermostat or CA$30, paid directly to ecobee. You will need to pay and add thermostats as part of the process
Create ecobee SmartBuildings account:
Go to and follow the steps to provide your credentials like: Name, Email, etc.
Once your credentials are in place, you will receive an email to validate your email, and then create a password.
Provide credit card information to purchase the service. Keep in mind the service is billed annually based on the number of thermostats.
To add the thermostats to the account, select the green “Add Thermostats” button and input the 12-digit serial number into the ecobee SmartBuildings platform.
Note – If your thermostat is already connected to a residential ecobee account/mobile app, head to the thermostat and select “Reset Registration” before adding the thermostat to the ecobee SmartBuildings portal.
Reach out to to ask for API credentials and Client secret.
Step 2: Connect Minut with ecobee
Connect Minut with ecobee:
Open Minut app and head over to the Ecobee Integration and click "Connect"
Add the API credentials & API secret into the Minut app to access and control the ecobee thermostats through the Minut app.
Link your units:
Once the integration is connected, you'll be prompted to link your Minut units with your ecobee devices.
Add your stays:
Be sure to add your bookings, either entering them manually or by integrating Minut with Airbnb or your property management system.
Keep in mind: You can only link one Minut unit to one ecobee thermostat.
Save energy:
Your ecobee thermostat mode will be set to “Heat” mode (20°C/68°F) 3 hours before the next stay starts as default. You can edit the mode, temperature and time in Minut. When the stay ends, your selected mode will stay unchanged, but it will default to a safety temperature of 15°C/59°F for Heat and 30°C/86°F for Cool.