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How to set-up your tado° integration

Ipti Niskala avatar
Written by Ipti Niskala
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The integration between Minut and tado° will allow you to sync your Minut properties with tado° to save energy by automatically turning off the AC and lowering the temperature on your Tado Smart Thermostat in between bookings.

Please note that Minut currently only supports tado° V3+ Smart AC Control and tado° V3+ Smart Thermostat Starter.

Minut doesn't support the new tado° X devices.

All integrations can be linked via the Minut web app.

File:Logo tado GmbH.jpg - Wikipedia

Step 1: Installing

For this integration to work, you first need to set up an account with tado° and install the Smart AC Control or Smart Thermostat in your properties.

Currently, the function of the integration is to turn off the AC in vacant properties or to lower the temperature in vacant properties to save energy.

This is how Smart Thermostat works:

  1. At check-out time, the integration overrides the temperature schedule set in tado° and sets the temperature to 15°C.

  2. One hour before the next check-in time, the override is removed and the temperature will revert to the tado° schedule.

  3. If during their stay, the temperature is changed by using the tado° physical device at the property, then at check-out Minut will override it and set it to 15°C. Ahead of the following check-in, the temperature will again revert to the tado° schedule (not what was manually set on the tado° device).

Step 2: Connect Minut with tado°

1. After you've set up your devices visit the Minut web app. under Integrations. Press on tado° and go to Setup.

2. You'll be asked to sign in with your tado° account and approve that Minut can access your tado° devices.

Step 3: Link your properties

Once your account is linked you'll be prompted to link your Minut properties with your tado° rooms. This will ensure that the correct AC is controlled.

Please note that, at this stage, you can only link one Minut Rental Unit to one tado° room.

Once all your rental units are linked to your tado° rooms, you're all set! Once checkout happens, your thermostats will automatically shut off.

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